
August 7, 2010

He Says...

She's in a deep sleep.

Not everyone knows it.
But trust me,
She's in a deep sleep.


Aayushi Mehta said...


Anwesa said...

Loved it! One of the poignant things I've read in recent times.

Bikram said...

Dreaming I beleive ... dreaming of the beautiful world which maybe she does no see when she gets up..

Abhishek Behera said...

oh he must be a charismatic wizard... or may be she is the sleeping beauty.

again open-ended!

but for thing - i like the feeling of being watched (by someone important (ahem)) when i am asleep :D

Thousif Raza said...

i donno what to make of it... i got a meaning... that he's positive, but she she will never be his... or another was that she's dead... or that she is thinking about saying him yes or no... enlighten this idiot will you please :)

take care and keep writing...........

Suresh Kumar said...

hmm... i don't know... but i found it ordinary compared to ur other poems...

Ritvik Rahul said...

yah...i m feeling sleepy after reading this... :P

Avi said...

Let me call n wake her up!

Tulika said...

@ All:

Thanks for reading.
I actually read this poem in a different light with every other comment. Marvelling interpretation of some. That's called the pleasure of being read. :)